Top 13 most motivational quotes from Democritus

Gepubliceerd op 15 januari 2023 om 21:29

About Democritus

Democritus was a Greek philosopher who lived between 460-370 BCE. He was a contemporary of Socrates and a member of the Milesian school of philosophy. He is best known for his development of the atomic theory of matter, which proposed that the universe is made up of indestructible, indivisible particles called atoms.

Democritus argued that everything in the observable universe, including living organisms, can be explained by the properties and interactions of atoms. He also believed that the universe was infinite and eternal, and that the different qualities of matter were a result of the shape, size, and arrangement of atoms.

Democritus' atomic theory was not widely accepted during his lifetime, but it was later revived and developed by Epicurus and Lucretius. His ideas on atomic theory laid the foundations for the development of modern physics, chemistry and atomic theory. He also wrote on ethics, politics, and epistemology, but his works did not survive. He was known as the "laughing philosopher" because of his emphasis on the pursuit of happiness and avoidance of excess.

Top 13 most motivational quotes from Democritus

  1. “Everywhere man blames nature and fate yet his fate is mostly but the echo of his character and passion, his mistakes and his weaknesses.”
  2. “Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.”
  3. “Many much-learned men have no intelligence.”
  4. “By desiring little, a poor man makes himself rich.”
  5. “If your desires are not great, a little will seem much to you; for small appetite makes poverty equivalent to wealth.”
  6. “Good means not merely not to do wrong, but rather not to desire to do wrong.”
  7. “Do not trust all men, but trust men of worth; the former course is silly, the latter a mark of prudence."
  8. “No power and no treasure can outweigh the extension of our knowledge.”
  9. “Accept nothing pleasant unless it is beneficial.”
  10. “The first principles of the universe are atoms and empty space; everything else is merely thought to exist.”
  11. “A life without festivity is a long road without an inn.”
  12. “Everything is lost when the bad serve as an example and the good as a mocker.”
  13. “The wrongdoer is more unfortunate than the man wronged.”

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