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Top 100 Quotes by Famous People - 81/100

Quotes from famous people, also known as quotes, are statements and utterances made by well-known and influential individuals. These quotes are often used to provide inspiration, wisdom, humor or motivation to those who read them. Some of the most famous quotes come from world leaders, writers, philosophers, artists and other public figures who have attempted to create change and impact throughout history.

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Top 100 Quotes by Famous People - 61/80

Quotes from famous people, also known as quotes, are statements and utterances made by well-known and influential individuals. These quotes are often used to provide inspiration, wisdom, humor or motivation to those who read them. Some of the most famous quotes come from world leaders, writers, philosophers, artists and other public figures who have attempted to create change and impact throughout history.

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Top 100 Quotes by Famous People - 41/60

Quotes from famous people, also known as quotes, are statements and utterances made by well-known and influential individuals. These quotes are often used to provide inspiration, wisdom, humor or motivation to those who read them. Some of the most famous quotes come from world leaders, writers, philosophers, artists and other public figures who have attempted to create change and impact throughout history.

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Top 100 Quotes by Famous People - 21/40

Quotes from famous people, also known as quotes, are statements and utterances made by well-known and influential individuals. These quotes are often used to provide inspiration, wisdom, humor or motivation to those who read them. Some of the most famous quotes come from world leaders, writers, philosophers, artists and other public figures who have attempted to create change and impact throughout history.

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Top 100 Quotes by Famous People - 1/20

Quotes from famous people, also known as quotes, are statements and utterances made by well-known and influential individuals. These quotes are often used to provide inspiration, wisdom, humor or motivation to those who read them. Some of the most famous quotes come from world leaders, writers, philosophers, artists and other public figures who have attempted to create change and impact throughout history.

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Top 100 Motivational Quotes for in your daily life

Unlock your full potential with the wisdom of quotes. These short, powerful statements can help you find clarity in times of confusion, boost your motivation when you need it most, and provide a fresh perspective on life. Embrace the power of quotes and let them guide you towards personal growth, success, and happiness. Surround yourself with inspiration and never let self-doubt hold you back again.

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Top 100 affirmations about Business, Self development, Self love, Positive and Health

Transform your life with the power of affirmations. By making positive statements and declarations to yourself, you can change your thoughts and beliefs and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Start speaking affirmations today and feel your confidence and self-image grow, goals be achieved, and desires fulfilled. It's a simple yet powerful tool to steer your life in a positive direction.

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Top 12 most motivational quotes from Cicero

Cicero was a Roman statesman, orator, lawyer, and philosopher who lived between 106-43 BCE. He was one of the most important figures of the Roman Republic and his writings and speeches played a key role in the transformation of Roman political and legal systems. Cicero was a skilled orator, and his speeches are considered masterpieces of Latin literature.

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Top 12 most motivational quotes from Heraclitus

Heraclitus was a Greek philosopher who lived around 535-475 BCE. He is known for his doctrine of change and the concept of the unity of opposites, famously stated as "You cannot step into the same river twice." He believed that change was the fundamental nature of reality and that everything was in a state of flux. He also believed that the universe was governed by a rational order, which he called the Logos, and that the key to understanding the world was to understand the underlying principles of change.

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Top 12 most motivational quotes from Pythagoras

Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher, mathematician, and religious leader who lived between 570-495 BCE. He is best known for his contributions to mathematics, particularly for the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

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Top 12 most motivational quotes from Thucydides

Thucydides was a Greek historian and general who lived between 460-395 BCE. He is known for writing the History of the Peloponnesian War, a detailed account of the war between Athens and Sparta that lasted from 431-404 BCE. This work is considered one of the first great works of history and is still widely read and studied today.

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Top 13 most motivational quotes from Seneca

Seneca was a Roman philosopher, statesman, and dramatist who lived between 4 BCE - 65 CE. He was a prominent figure in the Roman Empire during the reigns of emperors Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. He was a Stoic philosopher, which means that he focused on developing self-control and resilience in the face of adversity, and the idea that one should strive to live in harmony with nature and reason.

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