Top 100 affirmaties over Zakelijke, Zelfontwikkeling, Zelfliefde, Positiviteit en Gezondheid

Gepubliceerd op 4 februari 2023 om 12:30

Transformeer jouw leven door de kracht van affirmaties. Door positieve verklaringen en verklaringen te maken tegen jezelf, kun je je gedachten en overtuigingen veranderen en negatieve gedachten vervangen door positieve. Begin vandaag nog met het uitspreken van affirmaties en voel hoe je zelfvertrouwen en zelfbeeld groeit, doelen worden bereikt en verlangens vervuld worden. Het is een eenvoudige, maar krachtige tool om jouw leven in positieve richting te sturen.

Affirmaties zijn bewuste, positieve verklaringen of uitspraken die je aan jezelf maakt met het doel om je gedachten en overtuigingen te veranderen. Ze zijn bedoeld om je zelfvertrouwen en zelfbeeld te versterken, om negatieve gedachten te vervangen door positieve en om bepaalde doelen en verlangens te realiseren.

Het is aan te raden om affirmaties elke dag te herhalen, bij voorkeur 's ochtends en 's avonds. Hoe vaak je affirmaties herhaalt, is afhankelijk van persoonlijke voorkeur, maar meerdere keren per dag kan nuttig zijn.

Er zijn veel bekende mensen die affirmaties gebruiken, waaronder ondernemers, sporters en acteurs. Er zijn verschillende soorten affirmaties, zoals affirmaties voor zelfvertrouwen, financiële affirmaties, affirmaties voor gezondheid en affirmaties voor geluk en liefde.

In het algemeen kun je affirmaties opstellen die specifiek aansluiten bij jouw persoonlijke doelen en verlangens. Het is belangrijk om de affirmaties te geloven en uit te spreken met overtuiging, om de meest effectieve resultaten te bereiken.

Zakelijke affirmaties

  1. I won’t ever give up, even if I feel like a failure.
  2. I am a top performer.
  3. Hard work is the key for me.
  4. I did better today than I did yesterday.
  5. I am achieving my goals and dreams.
  6. I grab it and make something more out of it if I see an opportunity.
  7. My company is the best in the world.
  8. When I succeed, and I will, I will do it with ease and grace.
  9. I attract success.
  10. I always give a 110% to everything I do.
  11. Everything I need to be successful, I have in me.
  12. I work smarter; that is why I’m productive.
  13. Successful people are attracted to me.
  14. My work makes a difference.
  15. Success comes easily to me.
  16. I celebrate my successes.
  17. Every day I’m more confident in myself.
  18. I plan my work and work my plan.
  19. Obstacles and challenges strengthen me.
  20. I enjoy the challenge of achieving my goals.

Zelfontwikkeling affirmaties

  1. My income increases constantly.
  2. I can work with the stress.
  3. Every failure just makes me wiser and stronger.
  4. I can do it. I’m doing it. I did it!
  5. I enjoy the process.
  6. I am proud of what I achieve.
  7. I choose financial freedom.
  8. I am a successful entrepreneur.
  9. My income is increasing every month.
  10. I love money & money loves me.
  11. I manifest my dreams with ease.
  12. I enjoy the journey rather than the destination.
  13. I am doing the best I can.
  14. I am in alignment with my purpose.
  15. I am successful in everything I do.
  16. I always manage my time effectively.
  17. I am making a living doing what I love.
  18. Money flows to me easily & effortlessly.
  19. My business allows me to have the life I love.
  20. I always have more money coming in than going out.

Zelfliefde affirmaties 

  1. I am doing what I love.
  2. I am proud of myself.
  3. I have people supporting me.
  4. I’m a solution-finder.
  5. I am brave.
  6. I am smart, I am great, I am divine.
  7. I trust in myself.
  8. I radiate confidence & positivity.
  9. I accept myself unconditionally.
  10. I am intelligent, capable & confident.
  11. I see, I accept & I love my true self.
  12. I accept myself as I am.
  13. I'm fine the way I am.
  14. I believe in myself.
  15. I am proud of who I am.
  16. I am beautiful inside & out.
  17. I trust the process.
  18. I attract amazing people in my life.
  19. I love my family and friends.
  20. Today I won’t stress about what I can’t control.

Positiviteit affirmaties 

  1. I am happy. I am peaceful. I am successful.
  2. I can make it better!
  3. I believe I can do it.
  4. I am confident.
  5. Being persistent is the key, and I am.
  6. I am always at the right place at the right time because that is where I should be.
  7. I believe that it is supposed to happen for me.
  8. The purpose I serve is a higher one.
  9. When I envision something, I get it done.
  10. I cross out something every day on my bucket list.
  11. I am on the right path to success.
  12. I am always on time with everything.
  13. I am energized and ready for anything that is thrown at me.
  14. My ideas are good.
  15. Negative thoughts don’t affect me.
  16. I love what I do.
  17. I love being positive.
  18. When I am diligent my results are positive.
  19. I alone hold the truth of who I am.
  20. I am good and getting better.

Gezondheid affirmaties

  1. I am choosing to be happy and healthy.
  2. I challenge myself, and I get it done.
  3. I am healthy & fit, I am full of energy.
  4. I am so thankful that I am healthy.
  5. My health is getting better every day.
  6. I eat what is best for my body.
  7. I heal my body with love.
  8. My body is healthy & beautiful.
  9. My body gets healthier every day.
  10. My body is getting stronger every day.
  11. My health is my priority.
  12. I make positive choices for my health and wellbeing.
  13. I know how to take care of my body.
  14. My lifestyle is healthy and happy.
  15. I invest time in nurturing both my body and mind.
  16. I listen to what my mind and body need.
  17. I am open to new ways to improve my health.
  18. I love and respect my body.
  19. I deserve to feel great each day.
  20. I live a healthy lifestyle.

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